So after giving my blood i set off from Nantwich with 2 attractive young nurses to make sure i was gonna be ok...........alright it`s just wishful thinking....if only.......maybe you get that after giving a 100 it`s MP`s get that treatment on expenses. Anyway up the Shroppie to

Barbridge Jct. and right turn onto the Middlewich Arm passing Mallard the boat not the steam engine i cruised on for quite a while until i came across Sue/Vic on No Problem and moored in front of them and as it was such a nice quiet mooring spent a couple of nights before it was time for No Problem to head off towards the R. Weaver.
The mooring here on the Middlewich Arm is not special as there are hundreds of similar ones all
over the system. Across the canal just a field of cows plus the lucky Bull above who every day after milking walked along the canal and over the bridge to graze in the fields on the towpath
side. The picture above i took after doing the washing up as i thought you might like to see my view as i slave away over the sink. The picture below is from outside the galley window gives a better idea of the scenery.
So on i went to Middlewich and a visit to Tesco to stock up the galley and as the weather was sunny i decided to stay a couple of days and wash the remaining curtains that had all become quite dirty from the fire being alight 24/7 over winter. The roller blinds ended up being washed in the bath and to my surprise after laying flat on the roof to dry came up real good.
But all good things come to an end and it was time to forget washing and `carry on cruising` so after a quick visit to Maureen at the Wardle lock cottage where she now lives after a life time of boating.....that`s working boats not leisure boating it was time to up anchor and leave the Arm and go onto the Trent & Mersey Canal towards Anderton as there are a couple of places i want to visit that were missed on the last trip this way.
After the 4 locks at Middlewich it would be lock free for quite a long stretch and it wasn`t long before i came across the mooring below on the non towpath side with just space for 2/3 boats provided by the Broken Cross Boat Club and moored up for a quick sarnie and a beer. I woke up 3 hours later!!!

I`ll leave you with the picture below showing what happens when a territorial Cob with young in

the area spot an un-invited guest.
Swans are rightly so fierce during the raising of the cygnets, as most other birds are too, but I do recommend you, Les, and all blog readers to catch up with the osprey nest in Loch Garten on the RSPB site.
Fishing line, when casually discarded can be a real problem, and as yet we cannot imqagine how much damage may be caused.
Man is still the most serious threat to life on the planet.
Hi S
I see as usual us poor men get the blame..joke!
You talk of fishing line and you would be surprised the amount hanging from trees along the system and great care has to be taken when going under trees to avoid a possible hook being on that line.
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