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Thursday, November 08, 2012

A good re-cycling scheme

On the left a bottle of soft drink common to countries around the globe. The difference with this one is label shown on the right. A deposit of  5cents(3.5p) has been charged. This applies in several states as listed but in Michigan it is 10cents and CA California is a cash refund.

The bottle of Aluminium can is fed into the machine and the bar code is read. The item will pass into the machine and be crushed. Here in Portland Oregon the refund is by way of a ticket from the re-cycling machine that can in this case be cashed in Safeway or used to purchase goods. On the left my receipt for my re-cycled soda pop bottle.
Maybe this deposit  might encourage more re-cycling in the UK. A lot of deposits are collected by homeless people who gather up discarded items thus cleaning the city streets.


Eddie said...

That is awesome if we adopted that in the UK, boaters might visit Coventry basin ;-)instead of turning onto the oxford after coming through the other landfill site that is Nuneaton & Bedworth.

Anonymous said...

Can you recycle all those receipts? Sounds like a great idea. Wish they'd do something similar in the UK.

Hope you have avoided all those storms hitting the USA. Take care & enjoy your trip.


Les Biggs said...

Hi Eddie,
Yep, we agree with you. Not only does it keep the environment cleaner, it gives poor people a means of helping keep it clean and making some money on which to survive.
Jaq and Les

Les Biggs said...

Hi Alistair,
So far so good with the storms although we will be flying into one on Monday and then figuring out how to drive in the snow in Spokane.

Anonymous said...

Sily you Jaq you got it back to front.
5 cents = 3.5p
5p = 7.5 cents

Anonymous said...

Hi Maffi
All this U.S./UK conversion is confusing but for sure is needed. You are correct, thanks. Maybe to make it work better we should charge 50p here. That will keep the litter down

NB Valerie & Steam Train by Les Biggs

NB Valerie & Steam Train by Les Biggs