Quite amazing what there is to see ambling along at 3mph. Unlike speeding through the countryside in a car the slowness of a boat gives so much time to take in what`s around you. A Kingfisher in the 1st pic (click&enlarge) with his golden brown breast reflecting in the water.
The second pic i believe is a Sparrowhawk but being no twitcher i wait to be corrected.
The 3rd needs no description except "sweet"

Now our 4th pic shows the good old reliable Heron, nothing strange spotting him but just after i

took the pic i decided to moor up and sitting on the front deck with my cuppa the following morning i noticed a lot of activity in the trees back along the towpath. It turned out to be a Heronry spread over several trees. If you click the pics i have circled some but take my word for it there were 10/12 flights in and out of the nests but i`m no David Bailey so you can see the best of 8 pics i took.
I was pleased to moor here for the night as this is the first Heronry i have seen. Any other boaters passing the location is towpath side Hazelstrine Bridge96 on the Staffs&Worc canal but take a good zoom camera as the trees lay back from the canal.

Hi Les
I assume it's a typo as the first picture is a Kingfisher not a Heron, although how you managed to get a photo of it is beyond me - I only ever catch a glimpse of blue flashing through the undergrowth, let alone manage to take a photo! Well done!!
Hi Les
That's an awfully small Heron in the first pic, looks more like a Kngfisher to me!!!!
All the best
Roger & Pip
Can see a kingfisher in the first picture but no Heron
I think you may need a trip to Specsavers Dad......
Thankyou for your kind words yes it was a typo error my excuse being i was excited about the Heronry.
Have you not heard of the King`Heron that can change it`s appearance at will!
As you refer to me as Dad i can now narrow down the hunt for you so Beware.
Smashing pics Les. Keep up the good work.
Thanks annon, the camera is nothing special just a small digital but good enough for my inexperienced hands.
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