He is half of a blessed man. Left to be finished by such as she; and she a fair divided excellence, whose fullness of perfection lies in him." ~ William Shakespeare
They call you love. They call everyone love. And they say it in a fabulous English accent seasoned with one of the many dialects inherent upon what part of the Island a man was raised. You American women know what I'm talking 'bout ??!!
In America the only men who might address women by the pet name of "love" are those who have had recent carnal knowledge of said female. And it will probably only slip from his lips once.
The first time Les addressed me as love, was in a voice message on the phone. We had yet to meet in person and it left me puzzled and puzzling; whatever does Dir Sir mean by that? Was he taking my offer to stay for a week as a guest in my home as something more? Or is this a "British" thing?
After a day or two I soon forgot about it....now I am married to a Brit and living in England, and MY English man calls me darlin' most of the time (sappy sod comes into play occasionally as well).
To be sure, English women call me love too, but we are both quite clear it is a general term of endearment, said while offering me assistance. I much prefer it to the American term "Hon." I am no ones' honey--not even Les'.
Ques in this country make me uncomfortable. Everyone jams themselves in nut to butt. We Americans are used to our own personal space--LOTS of it; typically in the U.S. we stake out a three foot circumference and only those who are invited intrude upon it. When standing in line--as we refer to queuing--we might withdraw our personal space to 18 inches.
Back in September we were queud up nose to neck at a store in Hinckley, Les in front and me behind. All of a sudden a voice laden with rich, husky, dulcet tones not unlike that of Tom Jones whispered warmly right into my ear, "Excuse me love." I almost wet myself.
My first shocked thought was "MY GOD!!! That is NOT my husband's voice," followed a nanosecond later by "HOLY MARY MOTHER OF PEARL!! A-strange-man-just-whispered-in-my-ear-and-called-me-love!
About this time the unassuming fellow behind me pushed gently by and went on out the door with no clue he had just left an American woman in a total state of confused emotional distress.
As an American ex-pat I will never get used to English men addressing me thus. And I hope I never do!
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Tuesday, March 06, 2012
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NB Valerie & Steam Train by Les Biggs

Across the border in Scotland they would call you hen i.e. Well haloo hen how are ya doing.I think love is a lot better but then I'm a southerner.Take care love.
Love, me duck, lover in Cornwall,hen in parts of Scotland ... as you travel around you'll hear all sorts!
Now Jaq, I don't want to pile confusion upon confusion, but when I lived in South Yorkshire, the bus conductors called everyone 'love', male or female.....
Hey, it was a hairy miner/steelworker Sheffield thing....
"Eh-up ower lass" from the same dialect would translate as "Good day, female person with whom we are acquainted" .....
Are you glad you're here yet?.....
Wait to you get over to us in Ireland !... especially our Donegal accent up here in the north west..... you could be called all sorts... but all endearing I assure you.
Have fun.
I love the rich dialects and turn of phrases over here. I may not understand everything I am hearing in one go but it's an interesting audio puzle!
Hi Dave,
Hen eh....well that's okay by me because the rooster may crow...but the hen delivers!
:) Jaq
Hi Jon from Donegal!I'm glad you are still following along with us. :)
When I was a hair stylist in Alaska it was the air cross roads of the world then. I used to get people from all over the globe in my chair and I loved to try and guess where they were from by their accents.
Hi John,
LOL! I love yoru description of South Yorkshire bus riders. this is one of hte many fun and wonderful things about moving here from the States. It's a small island but the folks on it are larger than life!
Round our way you will be called duck..... don't ask me why, but my mum calls everyone duck. I also too used to work with a Yorkshire printer and he too called me love, disturbing it was but his innocence in using the phrase was very endearing,
Take care duck,
Hi Nev,
I will; you too love!
:) Jaq
Sounds like a whole lot of love
Hello Spark!
We mmiss you and love you!
Momma and Les XXX
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