Just a quick blog as promised last time to show the problem of getting a quart into a pint pot. I am standing on the lock and this lot have come down from Naburn lock with the tide in fact you

can see some still arriving from the left of picture. The way it`s done is come down past the lock and turn back against the flow to enter the lock at an angle allowing for the tidal flow as the cruiser nearest to me is doing. All ok but the problem is they won`t all fit in the lock together. The first one is coming in on the signal of the lockeeper and until that one has a rope up to the lock side the one behind is just sitting with enough throttle to counter the tide coming against it, get it right and the boat will just remain stationery. So looking down river you can see the cruisers parked up waiting to move up for their turn and with on average 3 of these cruisers in the lock at a time the last ones to arrive can be out there half an hour or more.
All these 8 or so cruisers managed to enter the lock without hitting the wall, not bad with the tide running fast against you. Well as you know the blog is always behind so how did I do getting in?
Your`ll have to wait and see.

This cruiser had engine problems and a narrowboat from the nearby boatyard had to go out and rescue it. Now these guys are experts so they don`t go past the lock and turn against the tide but turn and come down to the lock sideways. Remember that cruiser is plastic not steele and the way they are breasted up together if they don`t get in perfect that cruiser will end up crushed by the narrowboat against the lock wall.

The narrowboat came sideways gently edging towards the lock until the bow nudged not banged against the lock wall and as the tide moved them to the right it came straight in without touching the lock sides.
Nice blog - I particularly like the stuff on Selby Lock. Many of us here at Ripon go through there a couple of times a year and it's never easy because it varies such a lot from tide to tide. My tip when coming down from Naburn, leave enough distance between yourself and the boat in front so you don't have to queue and can turn at the staithes just before the lock. Then you should be at the correct angle when the flow takes you past the lock entrance. Not too much throttle or you'll shoot across the slack water and hit the upstream wall.
I'll look out for you at Ripon and say hello.
Hi Frank
Sorry mate but won`t have a chance to meet as we will not be going up to Ripon this trip.
Your advice on entering Selby lock is well appreciated and is very similar to advice given by other seasoned boaters in the area. Thanks.
Glad you like the blog as many others do but it`s nice to see a comment now and again.
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