Less diesel used will eventually pay for the panel but the green brigade will still complain of the Carbon Footprint left by it`s manufacture but to be honest my intention is to save diesel and wear on my engine. If i worried about Carbon footprint i wouldn`t have had a boat manufactured but that also applies to any purchase we make so where do we draw the line. Perhaps I/WE should be happy that the making of this panel will cut down on future pollution from my engine.
I do believe, and by all means have your say, that as a live aboard boater my footprint is a lot less than when i lived in a house.
I use logs for the majority of my heating, no gas boiler heating a big house.
Minimal lighting needed on a boat with no lights left on all over the house.
No electrical appliances left on standby.
No car so making better use of public transport.
No regular decorating which includes new carpets and furniture.
Engine generates not only electricity & hot water but moves me around the country, does a car do all 3.
The list is probably bigger but all the above not only cuts my footprint but more important in these times of recession drastically reduces my cost of living while giving me a wonderful stress free life.
The solar panel is mounted on this turntable that was made for me (sorry bit of footprint) by my good friend Alan. The large circular part is actually a pulley wheel as used in lift shafts and it

1 comment:
Jaqueline Almdale said...
Hi Les,
It's great to see the solar panel up and set to run. As for your holiday pic by the grandchildren--I fancy you would look best as a red head!
Thu Jan 28, 09:41:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Well Les, I happen to think it is JUST the right colour for you! The panel will do a great job in stronger sun, the sooner the better for me, too.
Thu Jan 28, 10:08:00 PM
Nb Caxton said...
The grandchildren have done you credit Les!
PS. I like the solar panel fixing, very versatile.
Fri Jan 29, 04:38:00 PM
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