On the last bog i mentioned waiting for post at Blisworth and below is what i was waiting for and

although it looks like police mug shot it is in fact as you senior readers will know my bus pass. So far it has saved me £15 in fares which will get swallowed up by the rise in diesel tax on Nov 1st, oh well as Mr Tesco says "every little helps" maybe a good government follow up would be the scrapping of the TV licence for land based pensioners.

Left Cosgrove, NB Valerie above on right, and cruised down to Wolverton passing on the way the old railway works (below) most of which seems to be transformed into housing. I did notice though that behind the canal side walls large steel girders were being installed so I assume that the developers are having to keep the original walls and convert the insides to flats.

The Jam `ole run passed whilst moored at Fenny Stratford returning to Braunston and the picture below shows Corona.

Amazing what people throw away but as the saying goes one mans rubbish is to another gold and

these brasses are just some of a box full I found when i dumped my rubbish in the bin. In all there was about 30 and after a good clean and some new straps there was enough to share with my friends Andy/Tina on `Ytene`, yes Tina i know you cleaned your own, what was left kept 2 of the grandchildren Jack/Jordan busy polishing on a visit to grandad, hope you two have hung them up in your bedrooms.
Before i go Congratulations to Lesley&Joe on the launch of
NB Caxton and you can see pictures on their blog
Haven't I seen that picture on a wanted poster somewhere?
It`s been doctored surely,
Where`s my thick black wavy hair?
and look closely at the face you can see it`s been aged using some computer programme.
Come on own up who has hacked into my blog and changed the pic!
Too late to wish you a happy birthday then. Just hope the bus can keep on running. Suspect most passengers go free now!
Great mug shot!!
More Ronnie Biggs than Les!!
You ought to see My dads driving license photo he looks like he should reside in Broadmore!!
Hi Chas/Ann
Birthday was back in March but have just got around to getting the bus pass, handy though as the saving on fares is about £25 so far.
Hope to see you both again soon, be safe.
Hi Carol
Actually it`s the same pic i used on my driving licence when i moved from land base to boat and now use one of the boys addresses.
Ronnie Biggs, if i had a £ for every time i gave my name and got the Ronnie treatment i`d be rich/er.
Congratulations for being the 1st follower.
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