This one fell between 2 boats just 50 yds from my mooring. No damage was done but it actualy fell across the mooring rope of one boat so it was a close thing.
That`s Andy & Tina posing, we are travelling together with John who is still in Uxbridge seeing the dentist so he will catch up and all 3 boats will enter Wales together sometime in April perhaps or when we get there.

This is the scene at Springwell Lock about a mile back with British Waterways boats complete with new lock gates and crane ready to start work. Springwell is the the lock we needed to get through from Uxbridge as it will be shut for 12 days. Having arrived at Rickmansworth we have only a 6 day wait before we can move on. This will be how things are for the next couple of months dodging around the closures.

Thanks for the interesting update about your travels, and your festive Christmas greetings. Just catching up on reading your blog. I read about the wind storm here in the US, and wondered about trees going down on the canals so your picture was really appropriate.
Best wishes,
Hi Mark
Have met many US citzens holidaying on the canals and now i have you reading the blog in the US. Thankyou.
Yes the storms were bad and the trees along near our mooring reached some 80/90 feet in height and they sure were bending in that wind.
If you search the web you might find some more dramatic pictures. There is a site called narrowboatworld it`s a news site that includes some regular columns from boat people as well as waterways news.
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