It has been ten months since I stepped off the bow of NB Valerie for the final time. It has been nine months since I returned to the Washington State, USA. There are some things that make attempting to forge a new life easier in my birth country. I know the systems here and how they work. I have an innate grasp of American English and I can wield it well. Yet this homecoming is bittersweet for so many reasons not the least of which I didn't want to come back; I felt I had run out of options in England and this was my final choice. In the eight years I was gone over the Pond, I am not the only thing that changed. As my life was spooling out with Les on the canals of Britain, the lives of my friends and family in America have as well, with some coming to their inevitable end.
It is typical at age sixty-one that those around me are beginning to die. We know intellectually this is the case, but it is another thing all together to experience those losses one upon another with one's heart. Upon my return in late January I was facing the memorial service of Jim Barron, the husband of my dear friend Karen--she whom I met at Hospice volunteer training and who introduced me to Kamiak Butte where Les and I were married and where I scattered his ashes. We would have had a very different wedding without Karen kicking me in the butt metaphorically. I was swanning about all "moons and Junes," my head away across the world with Les on the boat and my heart there too. Karen brought me back to earth to face the necessary details required to plan a wedding. Jim was like Les--solid, kind, smart, funny, and he too knew how to love. In better times Karen and Jim were involved in square dancing with all the accouterments: the fluffy skirts and petticoats for her and bolo ties for Jim. He had many, many dozens of them, most made by Karen. At his service Karen displayed all Jim's ties and invited everyone to choose one to take in remembrance of him. It was a brilliant idea.
I was notified two weeks later that a former coworker of mine also died suddenly. While we worked together every day for six years we were not close. The former receptionist was her best mate and no one would ever fill her shoes--not that I tried. I had my own way of doing things and I was quite successful in that position. Nevertheless I had to endure my co-worker's daily tirades, mean digs, impatient rants, and deliberate nastiness while letting it flow off my shoulders like water off a duck's back. The only thing that offered me any small comfort at all was the knowledge that she was an equal opportunity abuser, treating volunteers and staff with comparable disdain. Whenever she would approach my desk with her shark tooth smile I would smile back while picturing her head exploding all over the lobby. Nevertheless I didn't wish her any ill will and I would certainly never have wished her the death sentence of advanced metastasized cancer that was a part of her demise. I could have gone to her memorial service as a mark of respect but opted out. There was precious little respect between us in life and I have never been able to put lipstick on a pig and call it Marilyn Monroe. Still her death marked another milestone for me, the passing of an era as I remembered some of the better memories surrounded by creative, articulate, and very funny people who seem to be drawn to public radio.

Marian Moos, Spokane's feminist fairy-goddess mother was in her 90's and dementia had developed. Marian spent her final year of life living with her daughter Ginnie. Marian contracted an illness which put her in hospital where she died. Ginnie went to visit her mom four days before she passed, and true to Marian's indomitable feminist spirit, she found her mom propped in bed with a magnifying glass in hand, reading Michelle Obama's latest book. I will miss her independent spirit and the excitement with which Marian always approached life.

The bigger picture of life in the USA these days is sobering and ugly. Those of us who do not espouse Trump's divisive MAGA rhetoric do what we can to counteract his tyrannical meanness whenever possible; we are bone weary from fighting decades for things such as clean air and water, the endangered species act, protection of our national parks, safe, affordable access to women's reproductive health including abortion, freedom of and from religion, equal rights for women and GLBTQ folks, assistance for migrants and refugees, and recognition of the diversity that made the USA the most successful immigrant country on earth. Watching all we have fought long and hard for disappear under looser regulations or a roll back to none at all; rallying to fight court appeal after appeal which keep us mired in the mud of contention as we valiantly fight to protect past legislation is exhausting and demoralizing as Trump's minions dismantle program after program. His nasty tirades draw out the worst of those who live in the corners and shadow of this country, welcoming racists, bigots, Christian religious fanatics, and ignorant bullies to walk down the middle of the street in defiant glory, wrapped in America's flag while they abuse and kill others, smiling defiantly, backed by the Republican Senate.
In my other country across the Pond, I stare at the news in mute dismay and sorrow as Britain too appears to rise to bait of the worst in human nature, imploding while politicians drag their feet on the majority vote to leave the EU, thinking their delaying tactics will derail Brexit. Meanwhile no solid plans have been made to prepare for exit from the EU, leaving Brits everywhere feeling overwhelmed and under-protected, worried for want of basics such as food and medicine because the MP's in Parliament would rather fight each other like bully boys in the Lord of the Flies, throwing the entire populace they are elected to represent under the oncoming train, instead of facing forward and making the very best of the situation. Every time I see televised footage of British Parliament I am ashamed of how they behave and I am worried for all those across the Pond that I love.
Unlike so many people I know on both sides of the Atlantic ocean, I continue to follow the news every day. I have never been a looky-loo, slowing down to stare at automobile accidents, but I cannot tear myself away from the politics of this age playing out in both of my beloved countries. Too many of my compatriots no longer watch or listen to the news. Their hearts simply cannot take any more. It seems I now live in heartbroken times personally, politically, locally, nationally, and internationally.
A lovely post Jaq, thank you. Sadly I don't have a faith, I believe people live on as we talk about them and continue to love them, slowly drifting into our past as we also pass on and get loved in our distant absence. Your words around your friends are warm and coated in love which is beautiful to read. Your assessment of the respective countries politics resonated with me. It's an uglier world now and sadly I have never been happier to be 57. Take care keep blogging and keep that book on track. Your love story is a good antidote to the ugly world. x
Lovely post, if sad, and the comment from Nev says all I could ever want to say too. Thanks and love to you both xx
I miss your posts Jaq, so it is especially good to see this one. I do understand why they are few and far between at present.
Sadly most of us are at an age where funerals/memorial services feature more frequently than weddings and Baptisms. A fact of life I am afraid. I love the idea of Karen's giving away Jim's ties. Chris' Aunt died a couple of years ago and it was not until after the funeral that we were told of her love of scarves - how I wish her daughter had asked us all to wear our favourite to the service in remembrance of her Mum. Chris loved his ties - he had a vast array of colourful ones for work after he left the RAF - I suspect it was a kick back after wearing a black one for years. When his time comes the men attending will be asked to wear their favourite tie and the brighter the better!
How sad for two of your Wednesday women to fall prey to dementia - such a cruel disease. I was also sorry to hear that Bryce lost his battle - I know how much he meant to you and Les.
As Nev says - keep writing that book. There are a lot of us out here waiting to read it. As for the politics of our respective countries - well I am beginning to despair. Jennie x
Lovely to read your latest post, you have a wonderful way of putting things into words. You've put the politics of both our countries in a nut shell. I have a few American Facebook friends and I could cry at some of the things they post about that is happening in the USA. Likewise I am so angry with our parliament for spending so much time bickering amongst themselves instead of getting on with the job in hand and getting us out of the EU as the majority of people voted for. I hope you're taking care of yourself. Love and hugs Judith nb Serena
Jaq, thank you from us on behalf of the friends of your friends, a moving piece.
Thank you Nev for always weighing in with kindness and honest words or support and encouragement.
I don't know that having religious beliefs or convictions makes the loss of loved ones any easier.
I am close to being finished with my first book manuscript and now that I have attended a course on How to Get Published, I know the hard work that comes next and I've made some good connections with other writers and authors.
Biggs big love to you, Rachel, and your family.
Love Jaq xxx
Hi Deb,
Thanks for checking in.
Love and Hugs to you and your fella!
Jaq xxx
Hi Jennie,
Lovely to hear from you here as well.
I am back in Spokane at my daughter Jesse's until the 18th when I will be back down in Pullman, WA to stay with friends Sally and Joe who have come to visit Les and I one NBV several times over the years. I will spend the winter holidays with my three girls in Gresham, Oregon, then back to Pullman to stay with our friend Sandy Field until I move to Idaho in May for my job.
In between all that I plan to complete my book manuscript, query letters, books proposal and selling platform and then begin marketing me and the manuscript to possible agents/publishers.
I miss the cut and the boats and all of you wonderful people more than words can convey.
Love and hugs to you and Chris,
Jaq xxx
Hi Judith,
I work daily to not fall into despair over both our countries. Some days I win, other days despair is ascendant. Some days I weep such as now that Trump and his evil minions have betrayed our Kurdish allies in Syria. Other days I hold my metaphorical breath waiting for shoes to drop, as we await the next part of the Brexit saga.
I am so pleased you still follow along here and thank you for your support, Judith, It means the world to me.
Stay warm now that the nights are colder!
Love Jaq xxx
Hi Jaq,
Great to see you blogging again - even if it's not all good news...
Yes, friends do die and the more friends you are fortunate to have the more times this will happen; as someone once said - the only certainly in life is death (and taxes, but that's debatable); still a shock all the same
It's encouraging to read you have finished the manuscript (although I'm not sure they are ever truly finished) and been active at figuring out how to get published - and is this right? you have a job to go to in May in Idaho??? Please, tell us more - it's seems to be the epitome of forward planning...
Let me see, news from the north of England...
I write from my home in north Manchester where we have had a lovely typical autumn day with sunshine
I have done a lot of washing and there's more piled up
nb Ceiriog lies waiting to go through Foulridge tunnel (on the L&L canal and just short of a mile long); a winter mooring has been booked at a marina just outside of Burnley
Andy is on crutches, having woken up with a mysterious swollen knee a week ago; we had gone to his home town of Batley for an old friend's 60th birthday celebration and his sister was over from Denmark' which was nice
Maybe he twisted something at the party where much beer was consumed...
Anyway he had to go to hospital and is still having physiotherapy; the consultant said a new knee will be needed eventually
We will see
My only son and heir is planning to go to Australia in March - I am encouraging him to go!
I can't talk about politics, I'm still holding out for a new referendum/general election preferably both in no particular order
For me 'climate emergency' is and should be far more important than all this posturing and 'willy-waving' by our so-called leaders!!!
Problem is, folk in general just don't seem to care
I refuse to let it get me down
I've just realised I have written this as if I was Andy - the computer must be set up that way
Wonder if you will recognise him?
Chin up chuck
love Chris xccx
Hi Chris,
Thank you for the lovely catching up. I am sorry to hear Andy is on crutches! Please give him my best and tell him I hope he mends well and quickly.
I like that term, "willy waving!" I will must borrow it!! I agree with you on the urgency of addressing climate change. I have a friend who was born in Texas and she spends summers in Eastern Washington and winters in San Antonio. The typical Autumn and winter temperatures are 90 in September 80's in October, 70's in November and high 60's in December. Currently weather there fluctuates from 97 degrees one day to 69 degrees the nest and back up to the 90's.
Love Jaq xxx
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