There`s a nice little wooded area near Radford lock with a few trees down and signs that boaters had been foraging - piles of tree limbs on the towpath alongside boats.
The wooded area is to the left and runs down to the towpath. The building is a typical country estate gatehouse and I decided to knock and ask about the wood. As it happens I had got chatting to the resident a few days earlier and he mentioned he let boaters get a container of water from his back garden, nice fella. Anyway he said it belonged to the estate and everyone had been taking wood and he saw no problem in me doing the same.
About a week later we cruised the boat down and I started cutting some of the wood and carrying it back to the boat.

Next thing I know the estate manager had driven down as he had received a phone call from the gate house that trees were being cut down!

He was pleasant enough as he could
see the only trees down were by his hand and that he could clearly see from fresh shavings what I had been doing. "Help yourself, it`ll save me some work" he said and after a chat he went to the gatehouse.
So another load of wood on the roof to be cut and split.
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