It was only when Paul and Christine (Waterway Routes) stopped by for a cuppa and a natter that I realised The medical side of things needed an update.
Having had so much support over the months I know a lot of folk are interested in the outcome of the eviction of Mr. Cancer and the re-building of the damaged accommodation he blatantly occupied without my consent.
For readers not interested in the medical side I have inserted some pics.
This is Winston a Lop rabbit that lives aboard with our friends Susan and Colin. |
Anyway about 12 days ago after having two appointments cancelled it was third time lucky and had a consultation with a surgeon for the Ileostomy reversal. Not sure why Mr. Hallam, who I must say did a excellent job of the cancer removal, was not present but he was also absent from the six week post op check up. Perhaps my refusal of his advice to undergo six months chemo therapy put him off following my case to it`s conclusion. Maybe the whole surgical unit operates on a `who`s available` basis, whatever the system I saw a real nice surgeon who gave me an outline, date wise, of what will happen up until the reversal surgery.
Boxmoor common alongside the canal just before Fishery lock. A very nice mooring with footpaths giving access along and across the River Bulbourne as it flows through the common. |
He said I would get an appointment within 4 weeks to attend Radiology dept. to have a contrast dye administered by enema and x-rays to check for leaks following Mr. Cancers eviction. The next appointment with the surgeon will discuss the results and all being well I would be put forward for surgery.
The surgeons appointment was arranged before I left the hospital and the other arrived by post Wednesday.......24 hrs before the appointment I have attended this morning!!!
When will the NHS get into the 21st Century and use E mail and Text not instead of but in addition to the useless Royal Mail.
Fishery lock at bridge 149. A pair of work boats are about to pass the Boxmoor common moorings having just passed the Fishery Inn next to the bridge. Dating the photo can only be by referring to the bridge itself. The modern day bridge replaced the balustraded bridge in the picture in 1969. The balustraded bridge had replaced an earlier one in 1922. So you can pick a date within those 47 years. Until the 1980`s there was a shop next to the pub that boat women would use while the boats were in the lock. Now it has been swallowed up by the pub. |
This is not the first time appointments have almost been missed. One came the same morning but luckily on that occasion someone phoned the day before to confirm and was amazed she was telling me something I had no knowledge of. Another time I phoned chasing up an appointment and was told it had been sent out and she would send another letter even though she had given just given me the date!
So today`s appointment was kept and this brings me another rung closer to the top of the ladder. Not a pleasant experience but the repair had to be checked for leaks before the final surgery.
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