home again, home again, market is done." ~Mother Goose
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It is market day in the town of Market Drayton, where the Wednesday market dates back over 750 years. We walk in from our mooring on the Shroppie (Shropshire Union canal), passing a large school and green playing fields. The road into town is a narrow ribbon of tarmac flowing downhill toward the market place on Cheshire Street which is surrounded by very old brick and wood frame buildings.
One can find almost anything at an open market. Stalls offer the usual items such farm fresh produce, fresh picked berries, and fruit imported from the continent.
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There are fast food stalls with menus ranging from hot dogs to hot meat pies. These dogs will not be American style Franks but rather a long sausage on a bun. I never chance a hamburger since I ordered a burger over here once and it had a strong, gamy taste. It turns out it was cooked in what they call "drippings," which is another word for beef fat.
Chips cooked in drippings are very popular here, so I've learned to ask ahead of time in chip shops if this is the case. I find the drippings too strong for my taste buds--as gamy as old mutton fat! Apparently drippings are a cultivated taste which my palate refuses to embrace. Stalls sell packaged cakes almost out of their sell-by date for pence. There are vendors offering holiday, birthday and greeting cards, envelopes, books, magazines, clothing, shoes, electrical appliances and kitchen ware. Indeed one could even purchase a motorized wheel chair!
The small, intimate nature of markets and tiny shoebox sized shops over here invite one to stroll around, unlike the vast malls and supermarkets strewn across the outskirts of American towns which require a car to get there and back.
Since traveling by shank's mare (on foot) is the usual mode of transportation across Europe, Brits take their footwear far more seriously than Americans. The shoes and boots I see on feet which cross my field of vision, from London in the south to small villages farther north, are usually made of good leather with sensible soles and heels, and in very good shape. Americans, by comparison buy cheap, synthetic shoes because they won't rely on them to walk far or long unless they are into serious sports. Due to all this walking, British women often favor knee length boots, and they have the legs for them.
There are also a fair number of older market goers who require a cane or some form of mobility assistance. They may move slower than many of the folks around them but nothing stops them from walking thorugh the market, bags in hand, picking up a few items.
For many elderly market day is an occasion to wear a good coat and trousers, and often for the women, hose, skirts, and nice shoes with sensible heels; trolley in hand and maybe a couple of canvas bags for good measure. Their hair is dressed and they have taken care with their appearance.
Younger folks dress more casually in jeans or leggings, a sweater and a jacket, and many are pushing prams with babies buckled in. In the States we call them Umbrella strollers for the J shaped handles. The younger generation congregate in small knots greeting friends and socializing in the narrow cobbled lanes between the stalls.One thing which always knocks me for six as they say over here, is how common cigarette smokers are--they are everywhere and they light up everywhere--except inside public buildings.
Unlike Washington State, there are no rules here requiring smokers to stand a minimum of twenty five feet from any buildings and doorways. I really struggle with waiting at bus stops, surrounded by people puffing away on their fag (another word for cigarettes), oblivious to others nearby who cannot or should not be breathing in second hand smoke.
At Market Drayton I chose an empty bench on which to sit and watch the world go by while I waited for Les to dip into Wilkinson's for a can of red oxide and some fire lighters. An elderly gent struggled to the bench with his trolley trailing alongside, gasping for breath--and then pulled a cigarette from a pack and lit up--right next to me. As a cancer survivor the last thing I need is cigarette smoke in my lungs, so I got up and moved off.
Those knots of young mothers pushing babies in prams, frequenlty with several youngsters in tow usually have a fag hanging off their lip or a lit cigarette streaming noxious smoke over their children.
I am reminded of my own youth when adults filled house and car with the stink of cigarettes, forgetting we kids had no choice but to breath it in along with them. (My father was a forty pack a day smoker and my mother added her share, along with cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, and siblings.)
The other thing that strikes me about Brits in public is how many couples stroll along hand-in-hand. Americans do this very rarely; usually it is teenagers enthralled with one another in the first blush of attraction.
Over here I've seen many couples from twenty somethings to eighty plus years, holding hands like young lovers as they walk. Les always reaches for my hand or offers his arm for me to link mine through as we stroll along.
Market day allows me to bring home more than groceries and a few other needed bits and bobs. I bring back my impressions as my love affair with Britain slowly builds.
Now I was always taught it as, "To market, to market, to buy a fat pig. Home again, home again, jiggedy jig"
Hi Jaq,
I really enjoyed reading this post as always, love Market Drayton. I am with you about the fish and chips being cooked in beef dripping, my family and friends think I am the odd one. Many of them still eat a beef dripping butty on a Sunday night after the Sunday roast, yuk yuk yukity yuk. Keep up the good work.
Hi Jill,
The version you and I quote--and which most folks are familiar come from 1805: "To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.
To market, to market, to buy a fat hog, Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.
To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Home again, home again, market is done."
The original written form dates from 1598: "To market, to market to buy a penny bun; home againe, home againe, market is done."
I remember my grandmother reading this to me form my Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme book in the early 1960's.
Yep Mitch I#m with you. there is a good gamy taste such as venison and Moose, and an awful gamy taste such as old sheep and certain beeves.
Hi Jaq & Les,
up here in the north, Yorkshire to be precise, it's normally shank's pony that describes walking.
Market Drayton sounds like Eutopia... Everyone recycling carrier bags and walking instead of driving!
If only...
Cheers, Alistair
Hi Baz,
Good to know. Pony could be either gender so that makes sense. I am actually quoting my Welsh grandmother who probably changed it to mare since she was an old grey one!
Hi Alisatir,
Not Eutopia but so very different from Car Nation as Les and I have dubbed the U.S. While I may rant about the disastrous shortcomings of hte NHS, there are many fine and wonderful things about this country that should be recognized and celebrated and the weekly markets defo fall into the at category.
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