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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Freedom is near

I have beentold my discharbge will be Wednesday, two weeks after the surgery. To hard on the smartphone to go into detail so will xdo a better post ba k onn the boat.


Geoff and Mags said...

Great news, Les. Well done!

Carol said...

Fantastic news Les - look after yourself though - don’t go doing too much. Love to you both.

Dave,Beryl Bradshaw said...

Great news It is amazing how the body recovers. It will be so much better at home in your own bed and lots of TLC Regards Beryl & Dave

Sue said...

Nearly there :)

Nb Yarwood said...

Excellent news Les, you will do so much better in your own home with Jacq to care for you. Take it easy this winter and give yourself the time to heal.

Sandra said...

Welcome home Les.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Sue /Boatwif /Cleddau said...

Congrats on the escape - see you Friday then...!

Sue and Ken

Anonymous said...

Good to hear it Bigg man!

Sue said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, that seems quick, although I imagine after the last two weeks you can't wait to get out of there! You'd better get back to the boat soon, or Jaq might have moved it again and you'll not find it!
This is such good news. It seems all our prayers to our various Gods have been answered.

Love to you both


Jo Lodge said...

I guess you maybe back on board as you read this. So welcome home. I am sure Jaq had the boat all cosy and warm for your return. Now you can get some proper TLC and recover much better. Take things steady. Lots of love and gentle hugs. Jo & Keith xxxxxxx

NB Valerie & Steam Train by Les Biggs

NB Valerie & Steam Train by Les Biggs