Coming off the Thames we had to make our way up the Grand union canal towards Watford and the medical people hoping for that first appointment to materialise. That was the end of July! Seems like years having been confined to one area for so long.
We were moored at Denham just above the deep lock for a few days and I decided to stretch my legs via the Denham country park pathway to the shops and return via the public footpaths across the golf course.
On going through the gate to the footpath I came across a security guard who informed me the path was closed for a golf tournament and entry was £15 ($23) to watch the golf. He said it was the Ladies masters and it was being if I cared. Golf is not my thing although if you knew your rights you could have watched for free.
We were moored at Denham just above the deep lock for a few days and I decided to stretch my legs via the Denham country park pathway to the shops and return via the public footpaths across the golf course.
On going through the gate to the footpath I came across a security guard who informed me the path was closed for a golf tournament and entry was £15 ($23) to watch the golf. He said it was the Ladies masters and it was being if I cared. Golf is not my thing although if you knew your rights you could have watched for free.
My reaction baffled him as I asked where the notice of closure was displayed which also would have a diversion route attached. He had no knowledge and decided to call his manager who said he would be on site in 10 minutes.
After the 10 mins. passed I told him to phone and tell him I was walking through the golf course and he could catch me up if he wanted. No one came and as I walked away I glanced back to see people with backpacks, obviously walkers, being turned away. Such a shame they didn`t know their legal rights.
After the 10 mins. passed I told him to phone and tell him I was walking through the golf course and he could catch me up if he wanted. No one came and as I walked away I glanced back to see people with backpacks, obviously walkers, being turned away. Such a shame they didn`t know their legal rights.
I decided to do something I normally don`t bother with and write to the local council responsible for the legal access to these paths. The reply took a while after the initial automated reply stating a reply would be made within 28 days but here it is.
Dear Mr. Biggs,
I read with great interest your report of Public Paths being closed across Buckinghamshire Golf Course during the Ladies Masters Golf Competition.
I can confirm that the organisers did not make any application to the County Council to temporarily close the routes across the site and I was not made aware of the event being held. In 2012 the event organiser did contact me regarding the matter and paid for a temporary closure, therefore, I am extremely surprised that they did not take the necessary action this year. I have contacted them regarding this issue as an offence has been committed under the Highways Act (1980). I have advised them of their legal duty when holding this type of event and asked that they now cover the costs of the closure which should have been in place.
I am pleased that you knew your rights regarding this matter and insisted on being permitted onto the site. I am sure many other people had unsuccessful visits to the area that weekend which is a great shame particularly as the event organisers were aware of their duties with regard to complying with the legal requirements of Rights Of Way law.
Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. I will monitor this event closely next year.
Kind Regards,
Corinne Waldron BSc (Hons)
Area Rights Of Way Officer
South Buckinghamshire
Buckinghamshire County Council
We miss you both already.

So if you were to hear of a boat trip company bearing his name you might be a little wary. Well I did chuckle to myself when the owner Josie invited me aboard to look around. I decided not to mention George Cole as either she was of an age not to remember the series or countless others have already mentioned it.
Arthur daily boat trips LINK
Many years ago when I was making deliveries in North west London accompanied by my then young son Kevin we came across the Minder film crew on location. The scene was being filmed in an engineering factory very close to the dis-used building that was used as his lock up so seeing Minder being filmed was a common occurrence for me.
Anyway George was a pleasure to speak to as he rested in his trailer and invited us both in for light refreshments and was most interested in my self employment as a delivery driver asking many questions. A very unpretentious man. Sorry to see his retirement is being disrupted. LINK
Excellent outcome from your letter to the council, well done!
Hahaha Good for you. THAT told THEM. We once had Lesley Grantham (dirty Den) in the Xerox building we worked in, filming the Paradise club. He was dressed as a BT engineer so popped in speak to us on the switchboard!! Nice enough bloke, laughed when I told him my Mum and Dad actually lived in Albert Square in Stratford. LOL.
Sending you both lots of positive thoughts for the coming weeks.
Carol BV XXX
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