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Saturday, October 26, 2013
From the patient
Wow what a trip! First a big thankyou to all you lovely folk who have offered help of all kind to Jaq. Secondly please excuse the typing errors as sitting here on the ward thpi g on a so called called smart phone is not easy. All i see is the keyboafd so spotting mistakes is hard.
Thanks to the care a d love of Jaq a lot of issues have been addressed and the care i a. getting now is first class.
I feel much better and just last evening the bowel that decided it fancied goig off for a little rest and telaxation has now started workink again.
At the moment my intake by moth is testricted to 30ml of water per hour. Of coutze i have fluids via an iv.
So things are lookin
Anyway just a short few words to let you know things are on the way way up. Soon be back homme.g up and thanks to Jaq's confidence on board have not a worry about nb Valerie our home.
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NB Valerie & Steam Train by Les Biggs

So glad you are feeling better Les. I'm also pleased to at last find someone who makes more typos than I do. Both things cheered me up no end
Keep up the good work
So nice to hear from you again Les, and thankful that you feel well enough to send us a few words from your current location.
I'm sure we're all hoping you'll be back onboard nb Valerie real soon and out of that hospital :)
Don't let the buggers get you down!!
Best wishes,
Kevin & Harry
Hi Les and Jacqi
We have only just picked up on your recent surgery Les - so sorry to hear that it has been such a trying time and sorry that we have only just heard. We only hope that now you after getting better treatment you will feel much better and make improvements. It must be years since we saw you on the Cut and sadly have never met Jacqi, but like all boaters the grapevine reaches us eventually. The NHS can be brilliant and it is so frustrating when they mess up. Get well soon John and Fi, nbEpiphany
For a moment I thought I was reading Norwegian text again. :)) That made me chuckle. Thank God Les, things are improving. Catch you both on the other channel.....hugs Jacquie xxx
Oh my best beloved, being as I am dyslexic I thought your text made perfect sense!
Aww Hi to you both, lovely to hear from you Les spelling errors and all, you are so forgiven lol! I bet Jaq can't wait to get you home, you are a pair of Marvels you really are. Big fat hug to you both x
well done Les, now get done well!
Glad to see you are at last feeling a little better Make all the spelling mistakes you want all our Love Beryl & Dave Sokai Jaq will keep the NHS on its toes looks like Watford needs it7
Great to hear from you Les and that finally you are getting the care you so thoroughly deserve
We wish you a speedy return to health nb Valerie and your Jacq
and Jacq after reading yesterdays post you are truly an amazing person
Hugs and love
Carrie Derek nb Uccello
So glad to see you up and writing, Les. The two of you are unstoppable! And I bet the Watford NHS knows this
now. I'm sure you'll be home soon and under Jaq's
amazing care.
Valari Jack
(I feel an affinity with your names and mine!)
So good to hear from you Les. Glad to hear things are improving on all fronts. Your lovely Jaq is all you need now to get you fit and well and to fight your corner.
Lots of love Karen x
Great to hear from you Les.
Jaq keeping us all up to date.
You get on with getting well, just know you have it in you to kick ass.
This blog hates my phone. My comments vanish into thin air before you get them, but I really want to say how great it is to hear from you Les that you are doing better. Thank you for letting us know. We love you both.
Sally and Joe
How wonderful to see you are well enough to pen a few words, Les. I am so sorry that you have had such awful treatment, but glad things are on the up. Take care and keep on improving. Jennie and Chris
So lovely to hear from you Les and great to hear you're feeling better. Very good news that your care has improved. Hope you are soon back with Jaq on board Valerie lots of us care about you remember. Love and best wishes James and Doug xx
Les, Glad to see you're well enough to struggle with writing a blog post on your 'Dumbphone'. Sorry you've had such a horrible time - get well soon and get out of there!!
Pip & Roger xxx
A bad workman always blames his tools!!!!!
Was great talking to you the other night - even if the subject wasn't the best. Comforting to know your treatment has improved and you are feeling better in yourself. (I sincerely hope this is still the case!)
Will catch up with you again real soon.
Love n hugs to you both.
Tina & Andy xxxxx
All the best for a swift recovery me old mate.
Paul & Elaine
Very pleased to read that you are on the mend and things are looking up for you. It has been quite a journey so far and I have been thinking of you heaps. Keep up the good work of getting well again!
Hi Les
Glad to hear you are well enough to attempt a blog post on a teeny tiny screen. You will improve enormously once Jaq gets you home so the sooner you get there the quicker you can put all this horrid stuff behind you. No pun intended.
Hope to see you both back on the cut next year. Love Kath (Rob still wants a piece of cake)
Keep smiling Les. So pleased to know your on the way to recovery and feeling the need to be on the net. Lots of love from us both xxxxxxxxx
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