Not the usual history i often blog but a look back at the months i`ve been on the `missing believed held captive at BW HQ` list of lost bloggers.
So we start at the present and work back but be warned it could turn into a Mills & Boon novel so sick bags at the ready if un-like me your not a romantic but that`s later so just keep the bags handy for now.
So in true blogger form we start off with some snowy pics and as usual i`m later than everyone else
So we start at the present and work back but be warned it could turn into a Mills & Boon novel so sick bags at the ready if un-like me your not a romantic but that`s later so just keep the bags handy for now.
So in true blogger form we start off with some snowy pics and as usual i`m later than everyone else
much like catching a pic of the first spring lambs the prize for which if l remember correctly usually goes to fellow bloggers Sue/Vic on `No Problem` or Del/Al on Derwent 6. Lamb pictures
are available on other blogs.(added to stop the Law Suites). Anyway i claim the first pic of the year of NB Valerie iced in at.........the side of the canal. Phew! that was close, lose my 007 status if my cover is blown. Also can i be the first to wish everybody a happy Easter, what! - you know the eggs will be in the shops on Boxing day.
In the piece of Video below taken about the 2nd or 3rd day of the ice forming the crew of 3 spent an hour or so up to the start of the film just smashing the ice to get the boat to move at all before managing their great escape although where to and why we will never know. At least it kept one stir crazy boater (me) amused for a while.
So what`s next, ah! my trip to the shop and what i bought........ok stop shouting those sort of things bore me as well. I did a few weeks back have a yearning to see the family and of course the G`children, you`ve all done the same i read the blogs, so a long w`end (5 days?) yes but as boaters a w`end is any length we choose. Now it so happened my good friend for the last 8/9yrs Amanda half my age and 10 times better looking- how hard is that...seen my pic- needed a man to do a bit of decorating. Give mand a hand on the land .Sorry I`ll get my coat. Just 1 days work and she gave me a lift the following day to her friend, my d in law Bev`s house and then i ventured off the following day to see the rest of the family Kev/Joanne & Steve/Ozlem in Luton. So a nice visit all round which will keep me going between the phone calls until Christmas.
To be continued. Good to be blogging again. Spread the word please.
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