The view from our mooring between Braunston and Napton. Plenty of places to be away from others and get the generator out and sand the boat. Not to much work as the sun does tend to slow things down. "Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun". Well not this Englishman or his U.S. wife. Instead we chill out with board games or cards at our table in the shade beneath a tree sipping chilled home made lemonade and admire the view.
Jaq was sitting at the table one day cleaning her jewellery and I spotted this amongst it all.

It will be recognised by U.S. readers as a hospital wrist band. This one was around Jaq`s wrist as a new born baby in the late..... now what`s 35 off 2015, oh yeah it was the late 1970`s. You can laugh but after 67 years I know how to keep a lady sweet.
Nowadays in the U.K. we have bar coded wristbands appearing but I can find no trace of the style from say 40 plus years ago. I would guess they were hand written on a paper like strip. If someone here in the U.K. has one tucked away, send me a pic and I will share it. Look at the way the cord of Jaq`s is joined, that is Lead. Pink beads for the girls of course.
Of course E Bay has a few selling for around $10. Nothing is sacred as far as the flea pit is concerned.
Above is a comment, one of hundreds, that end up in the spam box. Now usually they have a url attached or simply have the words check my site party hats for you or whatever. Now as you can see in this cut and paste no such references are made. This one attached itself recently to a post of a year ago.
Can anyone tell me what these comments are all about? Is it just someone who likes to fill peoples blogs with garbage something like the idiots that send viruses around not having any idea who it affects but get some kick out of causing mayhem. Beats me, just glad the spam filter picks them up.
Hi Jaq, I opted for no anonymous comments and that stopped the spam. Elsie
Hi Elsie
Not sure how that works, will look at it. Thing is these do not get past the filter and end up in spam box not on blog.
Have had some where sender has joined blogger and comment sits waiting for us to approve. It has a name and blogger account but still spam.
I have looked, but failed to find, my son's birth wrist band from 47 years ago. I'll keep looking but if I remember right it was his name, size and time written on paper that was inserted in a flat plastic tube that was wrapped around his wrist and 'crimped' together with a soft metal clasp. Not nearly so beautiful as your one Jaq. Pity about the lead though.
Kath (nb Herbie)
Hi Kath
Strange in this age of internet I can't find a picture dated in this timescale. Still at least you memory shows the U.S. had nicer ideas than us. Except as you say the lead.
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