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Saturday, November 02, 2013

Blog from the boat

Hello everyone. It feels god to be sitting at the dinette here on the boat with the Laptop in front of me.

Those of you who have had major surgery will be aware of the post operative feeling of tiredness and weakness. Myself never having been in this situation find myself totally amazed just how weak I am. Having a shower wipes me out for at least 30 minutes.
Catching up on sleep has been top priority and sleeping six hours the first night in a very dark, quiet environment aboard made a big difference. This sleep pattern has carried on with extra daytime two hour naps common.

The second thing to catch up on is the loss of weight following nine days without solids. Initially I just had tiny amounts but the last two days have seen my intake increase quite a lot. Strangely in the past a Yoghurt was very much a no no on my daily diet and in fact had never tried one always having expected them to be something that was going off and having a vile taste. Now Jaq has me hooked on them with Blueberry being my favourite.

The boat resembles a small pharmacy where apart from the usual pain meds associated with a hospital discharge I also have Urology and Colo-rectal supplies, lots of fresh dressings for the daily visits by the area nursing staff plus some self injected meds but more on that another blog post.

Since being back on board I`m hearing more and more of the wonderful kindness shown by so many of you and hopefully Jaq has either privately or via the blog thanked you and I back those thanks a thousand fold. Just one I will mention is the lovely boater who I`m sure wishes to remain anonymous. The day I came home this lovely lady returned some bedding she had taken away to launder and dry. Again today she returned with some lovely vegetables from her allotment. Jaq and I are so grateful to you.

Ok just typing this has worn me out and I need to stop.


Julie said...

Welcome home Les from a reader for a few years now.
I hope you go from strength to strength with the care and attention you will now receive at home.
Love and best wishes to you both xxx

Nb Yarwood said...

Good to HEAR from you Les!!
Keep healing
Keep smiling

Carol said...

Welcome home Les … fill your boots!

Elsie said...

Hi Les & Jaq,
Pleased to hear you're back on board. I'm sure you're on the mend with Jaq's TLC.GET WELL SOON!
Love Elsie & Eric

Jill, Matilda Rose said...

Welcome home Les

Unknown said...

Les: may you not be too tired togive your wonderful wife a hug ad kiss from all of us who've followed yourordeal.

And as one who has endured similar "gut" surgery your entire body really gets beaten to a pulp. Time to recover and you've got the most well versed nurse and Gerson advocate on board Valerie with you.

Anonymous said...

Les, so glad you are on the mend. I was worried there for a bit.

With the three northern links closed I just might be down to visit.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're enjoying the sunshine and (only) gentle movement up there....and the anonymous not-so lovely novice boater apologises profusely for the very organic beets! (better luck next year?) Will unearth the potatoes asap. xxx

Jo Lodge said...

We are so pleased to hear your on the mend, even if your feeling so wiped out. Sleep is a great healer and I am quite sure Jaq is making you take things nice and easy. Now you just need the love of your wonderful Jaq and lots of lovely food and you will be out and about very soon.
Lots of hugss and love to you both.
Jo & Keith xxxxxxxx

Les Biggs said...

Hello everyone
it sure is good to be home. Jaq is taking good care of me and she herself is feeling stronger not having to travel back and forth not knowing what she might find at the hospital.
So nice to hear from you all, thakyou so much.

NB Valerie & Steam Train by Les Biggs

NB Valerie & Steam Train by Les Biggs