I will try to move the blog along our journey from London and Jaq will carry on working on several London posts including All Hallows by the Tower with it`s connections to America and London`s oldest hospital operating theatre.
Talking of hospitals, wasn`t it good that just one blog post covered my recent surgery. My present medical situation is excellent, I feel good with plenty of energy and no issues medically at all. Jaq now calls me her `Bag Man`. Until I attend the Urolgy clinic I have a catheter and leg bag fitted. This together with the Stoma bag, yes still trying to see the surgeon about a reversal, gives me the cheeky nickname `Bag Man`.
We left Paddington Basin early on a warm bright day and made the water/rubbish point
Just across the canal on the long term moorings a houseboat built in the 1980`s was having serious surgery. Whether a dramatic re-fit or complete removal is not known. I love the little push tug made up it appears from two narrowboat sterns.
As we left the higher roof was being stripped.
Mum`s everywhere just be glad your brood at least totals less than fourteen. Moorhen chicks and Goslings are to be seen along the canals but Cygnets are always last.
Quickly snapping this Mandarin duck I was surprised the boats patchy paintwork reflected in the water as was the ducks face.
Coming to Bulls Bridge and the Grand Union main line we stopped at the waterside Tesco and Jaq dashed in for some bits and pieces, women can always think of something they need. Anyway I tidied the roof and done some manly stuff (brought logs in for those chilly evenings) and just behaved till the captains return.
Caste off bow and stern lines and away we.......don`t go. Throwing a line to a passer by we got back to the mooring and I quickly discovered a wire adrift from the electric fuel pump. Push it back in a bit of tape and all will be well till a better repair can be done. We`ve all done it.
The pump was working now and just to be sure I revved the engine and let it run at fast tickover for 10 mins and .......it stopped again.
So I cut the joint open and found the whole connecter had disintegrated inside.
Well I did say till a better repair can be done. I decided now was that time.
Just left our night mooring just out of picture near to the Troy Arm. Not in use now but I guess boats can get down there as the very end has some boats lived on and under restoration. Somewhere I have photos of the end but it was a few years back. Will look through my photo discs.
A bit overgrown but was originally built for the Troy Mill now demolished. It was used then to transport sand and gravel from the pits along both sides of it`s 1000yard length. The flooded pits are now used for sailing and fishing.
I do hope Canal and River Trust had this lot cleared quickly following my e mail.
The access road from the bridge has a very large crack some 10 feet long near the waters edge so perhaps the large rubbish truck can`t get safe access.
So that brings us further out of London and almost at our Rickmansworth mooring where we stayed for a few days.
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