Now this is a great mooring. Others moored here but there is plenty of room to still be well away from the next boat. Of course the permanent residents no nothing of privacy and will sit by the boat and stare through the windows.
Behind the 18th century front lies a timber framed building parts of which date back to the 16c. You can just imagine a coach and horses passing through the arch dropping off perhaps Lord Nelson and other passengers to rest for the night. nice to come across so many of these coaching inns as we travel the waterways.
Now I can`t pass by any wood and a nice quiet mooring away from anyone is ideal to cut and split it.

Housing both modern and traditional can be found along the river but mostly it`s rural all the way.
I spare you a picture but the elsan (toilet) disposal inside the hut is very basic, pleased we have our composting toilet. As the sign says you wash out your cassette with canal water.
A lot of narrow road bridges, some having traffic lights or like this one just common sense.
Nothing standardised as far as water points go on the Wey. Above the mooring jetty for water........
next to the lock. The tap can just be seen to the left of the piling spouting the greenery.
When we moored at Pyrford Marina with our share boat for a year, the Bridge with the Mercedes on, which is visible from the Anchor pub, was very entertaining watching cars cross on a summer day, not much common sense seen then.
Hi Andy
I noticed on the width posts a lot of scrapes and saw some glass nearby so can imagine a lot of cars don`t get through unscathed.
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