You may have noticed a change in the way and frequency of the blog lately but as you are aware i`m experiencing big family problems to personal to broadcast to the world wide web.
Some of my boating friends are aware of the problems and to those of my friends i have not met recently don`t feel offended if you think you have been blanked it`s only that we haven`t cruised by each other of late.
My mission is to reach a safe haven where i can leave the boat to return south for a short time also to meet family for a short cruise before my return south by train.

So away from
nr Rugby) passing through
Newbold Tunnel with its fancy light show.

Sure sign that summer is well on its way.

This sort of scene makes me wild, someone has gone to a lot of trouble to remove some rubbish from the canal so why leave it on the towpath because as you can see from the graffiti the local yobs have no regard for the area and are likely to toss it all back in.

Now approaching
Hawkesbury Jct. or as i call it `
electric jct`. The scale of pylons and
electrikery based here at this sub
station is much greater than can be seen in the picture.

Another sign that summer has arrived. I also spotted some Moorhen chicks. Sorry no pic.
Hawkesbury Jct. or Sutton Stop call it what you will but it`s still the junction of the Oxford and Coventry canals. I will be going under the bridge that can be seen past the lock and turning right along the Coventry Canal towards
Atherstone. To the left some 5 miles down the Coventry Canal is Coventry City itself. In the past i have made the trip but was so
disappointed with the amount of rubbish floating in the water i now prefer to travel into the city by bus.

Having made my right turn the old engine house still stands. It once contained a steam engine that pumped water from a well into the canal. It ceased work in 1913.
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
Les, you can be sure your friends on and off the canal all wish you and the family the best.
Gorgeous pic of the ducklings!!
Sun Apr 25, 04:15:00 PM
thistledew said...
Hello Les,
Looking forward to further postings, as & when.
Family must always come first.
I wish you & yours well.
Things have a habit of sorting themselves out. Meanwhile rest assured that your readers & friends are thinking of you & yours.
David & Meghan
Mon Apr 26, 05:49:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks for keeping us posted on your whereabouts. Following along via Google Earth. Holding you and yours in my thoughts.
Jaqueline USA
Mon Apr 26, 09:31:00 PM
grey wolf said...
hope things resolve themselves for the best.As always i enjoy reading your blog whenever it is posted
Tue Apr 27, 05:55:00 PM
Carol said...
Hi Les, we'll be thinking of you and your family and hoping that things will be well for you all.
Wed Apr 28, 02:14:00 PM
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