It started on the 20th Feb, my usual free and easy lifestyle would have prevented me from quoting this date as the march of time and myself put up with each other neither one interfering with the others pace, this being a couple of days before the Birmingham show and all it appeared to be was a cold. Wrong diagnosis on my part as on my return from Brum things went downhill with.......loads of things but i`m better now so best not to dwell on it.
MANY MANY thanks to you all for your comments and e mails wishing me well, cheers all.
The boat and caravan show at the NEC boasted about 6 canal boats out of the advertised 250
So what did i buy other than the overpriced coffee and food you are screaming aloud, well to go with a £500k gin palace ( below) i thought a battery monitor system might be handy so a
NASA BM-1 was my choice and when i get 5 mins and when/if the cheque clears for the gin

besides look at the bow wave i couldn`t handle life that fast.
Another purchase was some Rescue Tape that attracted my attention for among the many uses it has i liked the idea of having something to repair a water hose, although i do carry some spares it might be the one i haven`t got that goes or perhaps a quick repair to keep me boating until a re-placement hose can be obtained and fitted.
So back from the show and feeling better after a couple of weeks it was time to do a couple of very short days of cruising as i was becoming stir crazy in the same place.
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
WHAT?!? You stopped the cheque on the £500k gin palace?? I am so surprised!
Anyway, it's good to know you are better now and ready to be on the move again.
That mallard is really a beauty eh?
Tue Mar 09, 10:50:00 PM
Jaqueline Almdale said...
Ah Les, it's grand to see you are feeling better and on the move again. I've missed your great eye for pictorial composition, your strong, descriptive prose and your slightly bent sense of humor. :)
Wed Mar 10, 07:51:00 PM
Anonymous said...
So it was our common interest in all things boaty that meant I too caught the dreaded bug! We were there Sunday and not been right since :(
Glad you're on the mend.
Sat Mar 13, 05:31:00 PM
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