"Some things never change" so the saying goes but at Soulbury the old Three Locks pub has most certainly undergone some change albeit purely cosmetic with the main structure remaining. It has been taken under the wing of the
GU group who have covered the old side ponds with decking to create an outside seating area complete with small bar and renamed it "The Grand Union at the Three Locks"
Click the link above and see some more pictures, personally i just could not bring myself to enter for a pint amongst the shall we say posh surroundings. Gone is the pool table and basic tables and chairs. Sadly a pub that once we boaters would feel comfortable entering in boating attire has become another plastic pub.
Below looking down the Soulbury three.
Moving south through Leighton Buzzard and leaving Grove Lock another marina takes shape on the offside. Looking at the layout of the pontoons it would appear to open straight out onto the
canal as there would be no other way to enter the moorings. Looks like another winter stoppage on the way when they open it up.
At Marsworth the reservoir canal side next to the car park was the lowest i have ever seen it. To the left the other reservoir was full as was the 3rd one over behind the tree`s to the right.
I spent a week moored here as some Friends paid a visit and also it was convenient for a w`end visit to one of the sons. Probably would have stayed longer but my water tank was getting a bit

low so the decision was made for me to move up through the flight of locks to Bulbourne where i met George and Carol on
Rock n roll at the water point. Just remembered to grab the camera as they turned to head back south.
At cow Roast a new addition since my last visit are a bank of recycling bins and as can be seen they are either well used or not emptied very often but a call to BW resulted in the local council

arriving the following day to clear the bins.
Just for a change instead of a sun set view a full moon picture.
Don`t know what the future holds regarding the blog as travelling over old ground makes it difficult to find blog material and i certainly don`t want the blog to read like a police alibi accounting for my every hour. At one stage i did think of ending my blog but decided to carry on with blogs appearing less frequently than in the past hoping that those of you who enjoy it will click in now and again checking for up dates.
Listed on the right are 20+ other boating blogs so why not try a few of them to get your blog fix and pop back to mine anytime.
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