Now the crazy bit, and that`s my opinion and yours are welcome in the comments section, is
they also do pet weddings. So if Rover fancies the bitch next door or the Buck and Doe you`ve told the kids have to be kept apart in case they....fight then this is for you. Get the pets married off then the kids and you can buy a narrowboat and be as happy and content as me.
Smashing place to stop off if you are boating in the area it`s free although it would be nice if you put some cash in the collection pot. You can see Llamas, Goats, Pigs, Ostrich, Emu, Racoons and
OK so what have we been upto in the last few hot sunny weeks, that reminds me i wonder if Tesco will take back all that sun tan cream?
After a great w`end at the Middlewich festival we came down the Trent&Mersey and below we
After the tunnell we went on the Caldon then back onto the T&M down to Stone where we spent 5 days, well we all need a holiday don`t we. Molly was re-united with Andy/Bev & the G`children much to her delight. I met Jo who is living on Misty Lady while her new boat Hadar is built ( link on the right) and i think thats as close as you need to get to our exact location.
Night all.
Hello Les,
I was surprised you didn't mention 'Fine Feathers' earlier when you went the other way. It certainly is a splendid place. When I first came upon it the good people were entertaining the crews of all the moored boats to dinner in their dining room, a regular occurence I gather. That time we'd managed to find ourselves on a Sunday evening with many miles between boat and car and all needing to be back at work in the morning. We knocked at the shop to enquire after calling a taxi, but the gentleman from FF was more than kind and offered to drive us all the way to Barlaston in his own car! "after I've fed this lot" as he said! Good memories.
Hi Martin
Actually called in on the way down to Froghall but sometimes things get forgotten and it was only looking through my pics i remembered.
A great place and a must for anyone boating the Caldon.
Another good place is the wildlife centre at Froghall that contains many birds of prey. It is set high on the side of the valley as you approach Froghall and can be reached by Towpath and steep climb or by road. Just ask at info centre at Froghall basin.
6 days, no update. Surely other boaters that you pass give a hint about poor.non connection? Well, I assume this is the problem, could of corse be quiet wrong.
Hi Annon
No poor connection is not a talking point with other boaters as we all use varied ways of internet & phone connection.
Just not had much to blog and don`t forget this is not a daily diary.
Anyway it`s nice you have noticed the abcence of a blog.
sorting it at this moment.
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