Sunday, March 19, 2017

Happy Birthday Baby

"The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. " ~Lucius Anneus Seneca

My best Beloved would have been 69 today. Les loved carrot cake. It is frosted and sitting on the counter. Happy birthday baby, wherever your soul currently resides; your heart rests safe inside my heart...always.


  1. We thought of both of you when passing the Onley moorings 3 days ago. Stay strong and enjoy having family around.


  2. Thinking of you

    Sandra x

  3. I have sent a short email. Also thinking of Les - especially today xx

  4. I'm sure Les knows that you'll enjoy that carrot cake for him! Hope you are well and managing to relax Jaq Love from both of us. xx


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Jaqueline Biggs