Saturday, January 27, 2007


The picture that was here i have deleted following Bob`s comment

I did think that perhaps a child old enough to surf websites would

be of an age to understand that animals do end up in the canal but maybe

Bob has youngsters and they were upset. Anyway it is deleted as i would not

want to upset any child.

Passing through one of the locks was this poor Muntjat deer. Being shy animals it is onlyocassionaly you spot one in the trees as you cruise, very sad to see one in this way.

Just entering A lock at Apsley Andy/Tinas propeller stopped dead. We pulled it into the lock and filled it to bring the boats upto towpath level. We opened up the weed hatch and could only see a mass of white fluffy fibre. Now this time of year that water is pretty cold so we spent the next 45 mins taking it in turn to cut it all away from around the prop.
Tina had a wonderful idea in the form of a hot water bottle so we could get some feeling back in our hands as we each finished our shift down the weed hatch.
At the end of the 45 mins it was clear that this was once a sleeping bag, the all round zip being the worst part to cut away bit by bit.

This morning a group from the local Hemel Hempstead scouts arrived on the towpath to set up a duck race. Tickets had been sold to raise funds so that the scouts can attend the World Scout Jamboree being held in Chelmsford late July. The event will attract 40,000 scouts and leaders from all over.
The Jamboree will mark the centenial year of the founding of the scout movement. It was 1907 that Baden Powell took 22 scouts from London to Brownsea Island in Dorset for the first camp.
So with 400 plastic ducks saddled up at the start it could be anyones race. The net has been raised and there off picking up speed as they enter Gd. Union Straight.

After a very packed start the field opens up and leading is the favourite "QUACKY" closely followed by 100/1 outsider "DAFFY"

And the winner is plucked out after hitting the net first.
Have a nice weekend everyone


  1. Great blog, but a real shame you have shown a picture of a dead dear,children often view these pages aswell as adult's and i would advisw you remove it

  2. Len,

    It is a shame your great "blog" is commented on by what would appear to be the up and coming trend of "PC" liberal junkies. I appreciate the sight of a dead dear floating in the water is not the most pleasant of pictures; however, you were portraying the "cut" as it is and as you see it. In fact, as reality is. We cannot go through life protecting people, young or old, from life itself. If a young child were to have seen the picture, and I have children, it is up to the adult to explain the situation and re assure them of the situation and encourage the understanding and appreciation of life. I am assuming that if a small child were to be using the internet then an adult would be with them to make sure that they know where they surfing and what they are reading, or is that too easy. Keep up the good work, your narration is splendid.


  3. Les,

    Keep blogging mate - its your blog post what you like, likewise people can give comments - you don't have to react to them unless you want to. FWIW we moored up on the stratford last year and within minutes connected with an awful smell. My fried who was from farming stock soon diagnosed a dead sheep on the far bank - what a smell. We moved up wind and watched a couple of other boats moor up then move on.

  4. Well handyspanner
    I do agree with what you say.I will not put the pic back on as everyone knows what it showed.
    Also in future i will publish as i want.

  5. Nev
    Thanks for your comment. Freedom is what my water life is about and is also my right to publish.

  6. Hi Les,

    In line with my comment the other day in respect of PC and the ongoing effects, the attached link from todays BBC I think is another point:
    It will not be long before we will have everything we say and do santioned, so as not to cause "distress".

    happy sailing,


  7. Hi Les
    It's your blog. What you put in it is your choice. I think it was a wrong decision to remove it, but then as I said it's your blog.


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