Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Hi all
Have just come back to the boat having been across the canal to a pub called "TELFORDS WHAREHOUSE" ( try to blog it later) Anyway the point is i have sat answering the comments on the laptop. So many comments just lately. Many thanks to you all, it`s so nice to know that many people are reading and enjoying the blog.
I do get an odd negative comment on the blog, well ok you can`t keep everyone happy. I also get a lot of e-mails from people wanting to live on a boat asking all sorts of questions and i answer all of them. Some of these people i will be meeting up with later in the year as i pass near to them.
Also you would be surprised i get e-mails well there not worth talking about, just envious morons.
On the site at the very bottom is a site meter if you click on it a lot of info can be read re who is reading the blog and where they are based. A few weeks back i noted 5,382 visits to the site and from places as far as USA & AUSTRALIA.
So to all of you THANKS for your comments.
Just to make it clear following one e-mail the blog is not live ie i have left chester and the blog is always a week or so behind my actual location. So soon will follow Ellesmere port and a visit to Liverpool. I am now heading south for christmas and winter near to family, i miss my kids and the grandchildren.
Thanks again all.


  1. Hi Les,
    great pictures good to see you are enjoying your self, blimey see what you mean about the counter Wow you must be impressed,
    caught up with Sue and Vic at St.Neots last week Sue had good things to say about you ( every body else told the truth though ) not really LOL check out the link had to give you a mention hope you dont mind keep up the good work
    Regards Mark and Lorain

  2. Hi you 2
    Sue/Vic are a great couple. Want to meet them again but the waterway life might mean we don`t cross paths for a while but see how it goes. Thanks for link and i will read you regular. Want to add more links on mine but i can`t seem to get it to work at mo.

  3. Les
    If you are going back up the Shropshire union, have a stop at the Cheshire cat in Christleton. They do lovely food there. I hope the weather is good for you this week. have a good cruise.


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Jaqueline Biggs