Wednesday, February 25, 2015

All change at the junction.

First stop after leaving our reservoir mooring was the service point at what was Marsworth Canal and River Trust maintenance yard now referred to as Marsworth Wharf by the developers.
Marsworth wharf 1930. Picture from CRT archives. The buildings on the right are next to the Aylesbury arm top lock.

 Here is a picture I took  in 2009. The part nearest the canal is the CRT yard and the site to the rear many years ago manufactured concrete piles for canal bank strengthening. All that remains now is the carpenters workshop to the extreme left and the boaters service point on the right of the picture.

Back in 2009 planning application was made and now after six years 13 homes are due to be completed in April. Nb Valerie is 58feet and as you can see we are in front of the first two houses. If the whole frontage of the houses is open and another boat pulls in behind waiting their turn at the services can you not see complaints arising from residents.

We are moored beneath the living room balcony and ten feet from two of the ground floor bedroom windows. The complaints will be either smoky chimneys or engine noise or boaters walking up and down in front of their bedroom windows.

Behind the existing elsan point new buildings are being built. These are for the rubbish bins and a pump out facility. For us there is just one thing missing in the picture.

Aah! right on time our Tesco grocery order and our water tank is still filling. Excellent timing.

Close up of the new boaters facilities under construction. Not sure if the elsan will be moved back to my knowledge this one links to a holding tank. I guess the new homes will link to main sewers.

Can  you see the box on the post more or less centre of picture? It`s a Bat box.
Follow the pole down and you can just make out a car roof, yep it`s the Batmobile.

Jaq and I have decided that if, and I can assure you we won`t, we decided to buy one it would be the one arrowed. There are two houses there but the one nearest is 4 bedrooms and totals 2228 square feet. We have on Nb Valerie about 264 sq.ft. of internal space.

 Our choice unit 6 has a living room and garden that give good views across the canal junction and also the adjoining lock on the Aylesbury arm. It also has a bedroom balcony giving the same views.
Seven loses the view across the junction and is a smaller square footage.
Eight has a nice corner location next to the lock but as with 9-13 noise from the lane could be a problem when sitting in the garden.
Units 1-4 on the main line canal are as you have seen above near to the boat services.
Last is Carpenters House the only reserved property on the whole site. Perhaps because of it`s detachment from the rest of the houses it might appeal more to some people.
The main site for the development is HERE. I phoned the agent and at the moment only the 3 bedroom houses have been priced. £520,000 ($780,000) and no mooring.

As you look at the developers site you may notice the wharf crane. This is i am told being refurbished and will be reinstated near to the Carpenters House building.
Not sure of the crane`s age but I`m sure it can just be seen in the 1930 picture above.
Below is the crane in action loading the bells from Marsworth church onto a narrow boat in 1994. LINK
I wonder what boat it was?

    The reservoir capacity figures for February are out. The reservoirs at Marsworth are 94.2%. All the figures look healthy so fingers crossed for good cruising and no water shortages.


  1. Congrats, Les, on such careful research and interesting information.
    I agree - not a good idea to buy one of those homes, even #8. Just think of the noisy boaters disturbing the peace of a quiet early morning when they want to empty their toilets and fill with water and clang the bins when emptying their rubbish!

  2. Hi NB Valerie, I've been reading your blog and hope you're both doing well. Actually I came across your blog just after I bought the house next to the boating facility in Marsworth Wharf, yes I'm the one who owns it. Having completed the purchase, I was looking for old pictures of the wharf and found your picture explaining where the Elsan was, honestly, I'd never even heard of an Elsan!! But the house was bought and we were on our way.

    I have to say, the idea of boats pulling up outside our house really didn't bother me. Since moving here, I love chatting to the boaters as they use the facility, the community is a fabulous thing to be part of, although on shore. When we have our curtains open and a beautiful boat floats past our window, it's a great sight to behold. We moved from London and I can assure you, you are all much better than seeing cars and trucks rumble down a road.

    We do sometimes get boats that run their engines, most of the time people aren't at the facility for very long and it's not a problem, but sometimes when a boat is there for a while, we ask if they could possibly switch their engine off. We have never, ever had a problem from people when we ask this, and usually end up chatting to people and learning about life on the canal.

    Like anywhere, we do get some people who seem to be anti the development and have been rather rude. We do realise that these are the minority.

    Just wanted to give you our perspective. And if you're up our way, please do say hello, we'll watch out for you.

    Love the blog, and hope Les is doing well.

    Take Care



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Jaqueline Biggs