Question 1: 1070. Oh! Jennie if only you had this first one correct your entry would have been early enough for 1st. prize.
Question 2: 18th. June 2011 Kamiak Butte. As Kamiake is in Washington state, washington is acceptable as to the "where" part of the question.
Question 3: Kialynn and her granddaughter Alana visited us.
Question 4: The first blog post was indeed called "The Plan"
It sees to be the ladies who have come out as winners.
In first place we have Carol and in second Antinady. Both have put in all correct answers but first to enter an all correct entry has been Carol so she has the honour of claiming first prize.
Kevin Too , you let yourself down by not entering the place we got married. That entry would have given you first prize because of the early time you put in your entry into the comments box.
Ok Carol let me know how you would like to receive your prize, the book. Antinady you get second prize of the horse brass please do likewise and congratulations to you both.