How to Leave a Comment on Our Blog

1. Scroll to the end of the post.
2. Click on the phrase "0 comments" or, if there are comments it will indicate how many, for example, "8 comments." Clicking on this will open the comment option for you.
3. Type in your note.
4. Choose your Profile. If you don't understand the choices under Profile then choose Anonymous but PLEASE type your name and location at the bottom of your comment so I know who you are!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


So far no spam so that side of things is working.
What we would be interested in is number modification working and is it easier to use than the words.


Les Biggs said...

Two people so far see no verification. Both are bloggers so my thoughts are that being signed in excludes you from any verification.
Wait and see if a non blogger is no google account has to do the verification.

Les Biggs said...

I'm signed in so no verification was needed.

Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Same for me, Mxox

Graham said...

I'm a non blogger - so let's see what happens!!

I can see "another" and "tutlsou" the last is a bit of a guess.

Anonymous said...

I am being asked for numbers to be copied. Not signed up for google.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this appears !
Posting as non account holder and been asked for the 2 words system.
Bit of a guess I'm afraid.


Herbie Neil said...

Well I'm using Neil's Google account

Herbie Neil said...

And I wasn't asked for ANY verification at all!

Carol said...

I’m signed in to Google ...

Carol said...

... and I wasn’t asked for any verification. xx

antinady said...

Hi matey,

Just taking a minute to wish you all the very best. Hope everything goes to plan this time.

Take care
Love to you and Jaq xx

Tina & Andy

Anonymous said...

Hi Les. I'm a non-blogger and use Anon. It's been asking for numbers only these last few months, but I thought that was because I asked for numbers rather than words as I struggled to decipher them!

Anyhow, all fingers crossed for this coming week. Thinking about you both.


Anonymous said...

I was asked for numbers only, as usual. Incidentally, I'm using an iPhone rather than a computer. Not sure if that makes a difference?


Unknown said...

Thoughts are with you both this week.
Dave (Bracken)

Les Biggs said...

Thanks everyone for the help. Seems to be better for some with comments publishing instantly. main thing is no spam.
Andy/Tina and Dave thanks guys.

Les Biggs said...

My fingers are crossed Alistair.

NB Valerie & Steam Train by Les Biggs

NB Valerie & Steam Train by Les Biggs